Living on Water

Living on Water

In 2014 we decided to scale way back and live on a boat. We wanted to sail the world in a tiny house on water.

The Imagine is an Alberg, old school and at 37 feet (11m) a small boat by modern standards. Built in 1969 in Canada as a state of the art racer/cruiser, she is very solidly built and still holds her place amongst desired ocean faring boats. She is beautiful, narrow and fast. She fit our budget and was exactly what we were looking for. We didn’t want to replicate the life we’ve lived before, we were looking to change everything!

See in this section our posts about simply living on water. How to get used to the change of living sustainably and living on a sailboat. How to live sustainably and to be responsible for every part of our daily basic needs. There are also sailing logs, blogs about sailing life, practical things we use on board and sailing tips for the Sea of Cortez, where we spent the past years.

We are a little sad to leave the Imagine in the boatyard but also excited to start the next phase of our simply living adventure now on land.

There will be regular updates in our newsletter and new blogs under LIVING ON LAND.

First stop in Mexico was Ensenada, May 2016.
Sailing down the Baja from San Diego.
We took our time and arrived in Cabo San Lucas after 15 days.
Cabo San Lucas in sight and the Sea of Cortez just ahead.
Anchored at Isla Spirito Santo several weeks later.